

WhatsApp Image 2024-08-17 at 10.18.18 AM
In seeking to expand educational opportunities, The Delwyn Rotime Kamara Foundation believes that for individuals to prosper and make meaningful contributions to their societies, and humanity in general, they need access to a broad range of educational opportunities from infancy to adulthood (kindergarten up to university). Therefore, this Foundation will focus its efforts on raising funds to address these goals and objectives and primarily to facilitate the education of some of Sierra Leone’s less fortunate.



We will always strive to do the right things; we will select our recipients using the highest standards of conformity to our assessment and selection model, and not because of nepotism or other personal relationships. We will also maintain sound financial integrity through accurate and verifiable record keeping.


All officers and committee members must carry out their roles and functions with the highest ethical standards. Our recipients will also exhibit the highest ethical standards in the educational institutions we sponsor them to.


We will always keep a record of the criteria we utilized to select our recipients and, will provide this information to applicants who failed to meet our selection criterion upon request. We will likewise provide our recipients with status updates on their continued eligibility, or performance evaluations.

Daily Mantra

Each day, we will strive to provide the highest standard of service to our recipient’s donors and other stakeholders by living to the letters of our core values.”

Choose Us For Your Child Better Future

Each day, we will strive to provide the highest standard of service to our recipient’s donors and other stakeholders by living to the letters of our core values.”

Our Goal is to Help People that are in need

The Delwyn Rotime Kamara Foundation was formed on the 10th May 2022. The key focus is on training and empowering children and youth; to be well equipped and productive in society and to cope with the existing and emerging challenges that tend to discourage their output and influence in the community. 

The Delwyn Rotime Kamara Foundation will help advocate for Youth and children create a platform to provide the professional skills that will empower and fit them into the present-day competitive job market. 

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Contacts us

The Delwyn Rotime Kamara Foundation will provide training in early childhood development and education for children 

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